Monday, August 3, 2009

Save The Date

I am hoping and praying that I don't jinx this by sending out this email 
but...the baptism of Lily and Sammy is on for Sunday, August 30.  I will be 
sending out invitations out later but I just want to make sure you guys save the 
date.  Lily's oncologist gave us the green light to have Lily at the baptism 
ceremony providing she doesn't get a temperature or anything.  Since she was 
baptized at the hospital already, I spoke to Father Reynold who will be doing 
Sammy's baptism and he wants Lily to be part of the ceremony since we were 
intending on them being baptized together and he wants the godparents to be able 
to be there to witness. 
I hope you guys can all make it, I know it is short notice so I totally 
understand if you cannot.  I'm still working out the reception to follow the 
baptism so as soon as we get that finalized I will be sending out the invites. 

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